To all McClain & Co., Inc. valued clients and employees,
The executive leadership team of McClain & Company Inc. takes the health and safety of our employees and clients very seriously. The pandemic of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is an unprecedented event and the impact on the United States is still to be determined. We are closely monitoring the latest reports from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). We are taking precautionary measures for the health and safety of our clients and team members. At this time, we do not have the answers to how this event will impact our business operations. We will follow the requirements and recommendations that are provided by the CDC, WHO, and Federal, State, and Local government agencies. Our goal is to do everything we can to help you keep our operations up and running and people safe during this unprecedented and evolving situation.
- We’ve instituted a pandemic plan across our organization that includes health and safety protocols so we can continue to operate and provide a safe and healthy work environment.
- All employees are encouraged to follow CDC and WHO precautions as well as use their best judgment in deciding to come to work if sick.
- Employees who have been diagnosed as being infected by COVID-19 will be excused from work, without penalty, and with pay in advance. We understand money is a priority, but we also want to ensure our employees’ health is a higher one.
- For employees enrolled in our health benefits programs through Aetna or Cigna, these carriers will be waving co-pays for diagnostic COVID-19 testing.
- For employees who can work remotely will plan to do so.
The executive leadership at McClain & Company Inc. wants to thank each and every one of you for your hard work that you do every day and your partnership. Please be patient and understanding during this uncertain time. We will continue to monitor the progress of this event and will keep you informed as we make decisions based on the recommendations of the CDC, WHO and government agencies, as it affects our business and communities. During this time, it is important to follow the recommended basic hygiene practices to prevent the spread of this virus and to lower your chances of contracting the virus.
Charlotte Hoffman | President
McClain & Co., Inc.